Why workplace mental health and wellbeing are important

We spend most of our waking weekday hours at work. We can spend more time with our workmates and clients than we do with our own families and friends. It’s important that we feel mentally healthy, safe and valued at work, so we can perform at our best and flourish in other aspects of life.

Important Facts about Mental Health and the Workplace

Mental illness
is now the leading cause of sickness absence and long-term work incapacity in Australia.

One in six
working-age Australians are currently experiencing mental illness, most commonly depression and anxiety.

Mental health conditions
like depression and anxiety, are costing Australian businesses between $11 and $12 billion dollars each year through:

  • Staff being absent from work (sick days)
  • Reduced work performance and productivity (presenteeism - at work but not working well)
  • Increased staff turnover rates and associated recruitment and training costs
  • Compensation claims.

If you, or someone you know, is in need of immediate support, we encourage you to take advantage of the following resources…

24/7 MATES in Construction Helpline
– Building and Construction Industry

For immediate help and support for yourself, a family member or a colleague who is doing it tough.

Contact MIC’s 24/7
help & referral line 1300 642 111


If you are thinking about suicide or experiencing a personal crisis help is available.

No one needs to face their problems alone.

Call Lifeline 24/7
on 13 11 14