How We Can Help You

The Apprenticeship Community is committed to helping you on the pathway to your ideal career. We have a dedicated Career Advisory and Placement Service for individuals who want to explore their employment and training options, and their career goals. 

Along with our dedicated staff, as a member of The Apprenticeship Community you can take advantage of our unique career advisory and employment tools:

CareerMe® App

A  career exploration app that gives job seekers up-to-date career information on industry areas and occupations. The app includes information on skill shortage areas, job descriptions, training requirements and links to current job vacancies.

Click here for more info

Harrison Career Assessment

An online pre-assessment career tool that aligns your interests, motivations and work environment preferences to over 500 occupation titles, giving you a comprehensive list of suitable career pathways.

Click here for more info

Apprenticeship Central

A job search website dedicated to apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies.

Click here for more info


Financial Assistance and Getting Paid

Your Future Apprenticeship Journey

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