What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a training contract between an employer and an employee in which the apprentice learns the skills needed for a particular occupation relating to the traditional trade areas.

It can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis and is a valuable program to train someone to meet the needs of your business and skill your staff for the future.

Most apprenticeships last 36-48 months and combine technical learning with on-the-job skills.

For your employee to become trade-qualified, they need to complete their Certificate of Trade Studies and be deemed competent by you, as the employer.

Some apprentices will attend off-the-job training with either a private training provider or at a TAFE campus. Others will stay at work and be visited on-the-job by their training provider. Some training providers have on-line assessment as well.

It’s possible to complete an apprenticeship early if your employee is able to meet all requirements. The term of an apprenticeship can also be extended, if needed, to allow them time to master the entire trade.

Click here to view all the available Western Australian Apprenticeships


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