
Apprenticeships and traineeships are a great vehicle for you to train and develop new and existing staff. Because much of the training is done at your workplace, the skills acquired by the apprentice or trainee are customised to the needs of your business. You may also be eligible for various government financial incentives to assist with employing an apprentice or trainee.

NEW – We have just launched our recruitment service for Apprentices and trainees. Find out more here.


How will your business benefit?

  • Increased productivity
  • A well-trained workforce
  • Financial assistance from the Government, where eligible
  • Practical help to train employees
  • You’ll be part of WA’s economic development, providing career pathways for locals
  • A commitment of quality to your customers

How will the apprentice/trainee benefit?

Resources for employers


How We Can Help You

Wage Advice

Find an Apprentice or Trainee