BUSY At Work and CoAct win contract to deliver apprenticeship services in Western Australia!

BUSY At Work and CoAct are pleased to announce that they have once-again won the contract to deliver Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) services in Perth and surrounds as The Apprenticeship Community.
This was made possible through a continued partnership with BUSY At Work, who successfully bid for the contracts to deliver services across Western Australia and in Queensland.
CoAct CEO, Matt Little, said the win was a fantastic result considering The Apprenticeship Community entered the WA market in 2015 as the only new provider joining three long-term existing providers.
“Over the past four years we have worked extremely hard at establishing an exceptional service model and a loyal employer customer base. This win consolidates our initial success with The Apprenticeship Community now being one of only three providers in Perth and surrounds and one of only two providers in Outback WA. This is a wonderful testimony to the team we have in place and the focus we place on a high-quality apprenticeship outcome for all parties.”
Paul Miles, BUSY At Work Managing Director, said he was extremely pleased that BUSY At Work had once again secured the contracts for the apprenticeship service delivery in WA and QLD.
“Winning the contract again is an outstanding accomplishment for us, and I’m very excited to see that our team’s extensive experience in delivering apprenticeship services in Western Australia and Queensland has been recognised. We are excited to be working with our partners CoAct, Far North Community Services, and My Pathways to deliver these services.”
“The best part is that now we can expand what we do so well and take up a notch what our organisation stands for – helping more Australians secure more successful careers, every day. That’s why we get up in the morning and why our organisation continues to be one of the leading providers of AASN services. With our partners, we look forward to supporting apprentices, trainees, employers and communities throughout Western Australia and Queensland,” Mr Miles said.
BUSY At Work has partnered with CoAct, Far North Community Services, and My Pathways as delivery partners, based on their history of exceptional service and community focus in their local areas. Services will be delivered under The Apprenticeship Community brand. “Through these partnerships, BUSY are able to have a truly local presence and continue to deliver more jobs to more people, Australia wide” Mr Miles added.
CoAct is a national partnership of for-purpose Service Partners, working together to make a difference in the lives of everyday Australians through employment services and community activation.
AASN services include the recruitment, sign up and induction process, career advice, screening tests, plus mentoring to help increase apprenticeship completion and retention rates.
Claire Nelson
0400 650 930
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