World Mental Health Day 2018

One in five Australians are affected by mental illness annually, yet many don’t seek help because of stigma.
Today is World Mental Health Day, a day that Australia’s peak mental health body, Mental Health Australia, encourages individuals, workplaces and communities to promise to shed a more positive light on this topic.
And whilst it is important to have days like this to raise awareness and start conversations, what’s even more important is to consider the mental health of you, and those surrounding you, every day.
So, what small, daily steps can you take to help you keep your mental health in check? What tips can you give family, friends or colleagues?
Mental Health Australia shares their top tips with us below:
Disconnect to reconnect
Consider how your tech habits might be preventing you from really tuning-in to those around you and those you love.
Live in the present
Being stuck in the past or worrying about the future is bad for your mental health. Reduce stress by learning to fully appreciate what’s right in front of you.
Stay active
To increase wellbeing and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Get an early night
Getting enough sleep is good for your mind and body. Sleep helps you feel energised, stay focused and protects your mental health.
Keep learning
At every life stage, as a great way to keep the mind active and boost your confidence. Learn a new skill, take up a language, or simply read a book!
Get to know the neighbours
For reduced isolation and a stronger community. Neighbours can even expand your social circle and be a wonderful source of support.
Eat well
Eat a healthy diet and limit caffeine and alcohol. A diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your mental health!
Get outdoors
To improve your mood and reduce anxiety. Time outdoors has a positive effect on mental as well as physical health.
Be kind
Research shows that being kind to others boosts your happiness. It helps build social connections and strengthens relationships.
Seek help
Taking action may not be as hard as you think. Talking to friends, family or your GP is a great starting point. GPs can make a diagnosis, discuss treatment options, and refer you for appropriate support if needed.
Even starting out small and making a few of these changes can help you to start forming mentally-healthy habits!
Here at the Apprenticeship Community, we’re passionate about the health and safety of apprentices, trainees and their fellow employees, and the importance of good mental health in the workplace. It’s why we created our Good to Go Mental Health Awareness Initiative.
Good to Go has been designed to raise awareness about the importance of good mental health in the workplace and to support employers, apprentices and trainees to take care of their own mental health.
We work with mental health organisations Black Dog Institute and MATES in Construction to offer valuable resources including our 24/7 helpline, professional mentoring services, a workplace mental health toolkit and a handy phone app to keep your mental health in check. If you, or someone you know would benefit from out Good2Go initiative, then check it out here.
This World Mental Health Day, what promise will you make to help shed a more positive light on mental health? Share your promise with us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.
If you or someone you know is in danger or needs immediate medical attention, please call 000.
24/7 MATES in Construction Helpline – Building and Construction Industry
For immediate help and support for yourself, a family member or a colleague who is doing it tough.
Contact MIC’s 24/7 help & referral line 1300 642 111
If you are thinking about suicide or experiencing a personal crisis help is available.
No one needs to face their problems alone.
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