Talk to your Mates in Construction

Talk to your Mates in Construction
As part of our continued focus on improving mental health in the workplace, The Apprenticeship Community has donated $4,000 to MATES in Construction, in support of their efforts to reduce suicide in the building and construction industry.
New data from the National Coronial Information System, commissioned by The Australian, shows that labourers in mining and construction have a suicide rate double that of other occupations1. Building and construction is one of the primary sectors serviced by The Apprenticeship Community, so it’s important that we do everything we can to keep workers mentally healthy. Which is why we’re proud to partner with MATES in Construction and spread the word about mental health in the sector.
MATES in Construction provides suicide awareness, prevention and postvention programs for building and construction workers and their families. The Apprenticeship Community recently partnered with MATES in Construction to deliver a suite of mental health tools for employers to use in their workplaces. Godfrey Baronie, Chief Executive Officer of MATES in Construction WA, said: “When we collaborate and work together like this we make it easier for workers and their families to access appropriate and professional help.”
The donation from The Apprenticeship Community will contribute to the running of MATES in Construction services, including their 24/7 helpline for workers in the building and construction sector, field officer service and case management support. “Since 2012, the MATES In Construction WA case management service has provided individual specialised support for at least 107 apprentice-age workers (15-24 years old) within the industry. In addition, the Mates Stand By postvention service has provided support and information following a suicide to over 40 apprentices,” said Godfrey.
The Apprenticeship Community has now been awarded ‘Accredited’ status by MATES in Construction, with all staff having completed General Awareness and Connector Training. Embracing the MATES in Construction program makes work sites safer, more productive, more supportive of individuals and demonstrates a real commitment to workplace safety and the mental health and wellbeing of all workers. Godfrey commented, “The Apprenticeship Community is very much part of the solution to reduce suicide in the building and construction community.”
To find out more about The Apprenticeship Community’s mental health initiative – GoodtoGo – contact our office on 08 6165 3362.
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