Mentoring Makes The Difference

There is nothing more frustrating than seeing hard work go to waste, particularly your own! Unfortunately this is exactly what is happening frequently with our apprentices and trainees. How many times has your business worked for weeks or months, investing time and money in a new apprentice or trainee, only to have them lose interest and leave their position before completing their training?The Apprenticeship Community’s mentoring program is here to help your apprentices and trainees stay motivated and successfully complete their studies.

Around seven years ago, the Australian Government noticed that in many cases, completion rates of apprenticeships were as low as 30%. Research showed that often the newly-placed trainee/apprentice is not only having to deal with a new job but also new financial responsibilities, family dynamics and personal motivation and growth.  As an employer, you often won’t have the time to help your new staff through personal issues and sometimes this means your apprentice or trainee has nowhere to turn.

It is a sad fact that although the majority of organisations would fully support the ongoing guidance and assistance to their trainees/apprentices, many just don’t have the time, money or manpower to follow through.

That is where The Apprenticeship Community comes to the rescue.

Before launching our program, we took a great deal of time and research to develop a program that ensures that the best interest of the apprentice/trainee is always at the forefront. Our program is personalised and individually tailored to each employee’s needs which vary dramatically from person to person.

Although our mentoring service often includes a face-to-face meeting to establish the program’s guidelines and desired outcomes, all mentorships develop differently. Some may simply involve an email once a month, others may need more frequent interaction via email, phone, SMS or face-to face meetings. We also work with a great deal of flexibility ensuring not only the form and amount of communication is effective, but also the mentor themselves. We don’t always instantly ‘click’ with the people we meet so we make sure our clients are matched with someone they feel they can connect with.

Wherever the apprentice/trainee is coming from or whatever they are struggling with, The Apprenticeship Community’s goal is the same: to create meaningful, positive connections with their clients to ensure favourable outcomes for trainees/apprentices and their employees.

Keen to find out more? Speak to a mentor at The Apprenticeship Community today to find out how we can work together to create bright futures for today’s apprentices, call 08 6165 3362.

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