The Apprenticeship Community Gives Back

As well as helping businesses to develop new and existing staff, The Apprenticeship Community is also committed to supporting local organisations who make a difference in the lives of others. In June, our staff took a break from their usual work activities to volunteer at a range of sites across WA.For our Perth team, it was off to Foodbank WA. Foodbank WA is a non-denominational, non-profit organisation which acts as a pantry to the charities and community groups who feed the hungry in Western Australia.

The organisation ‘rescues’ edible but surplus food and passes the donations on to charities, community groups and welfare agencies who distribute it to adults and children in need as prepared meals, hampers and emergency parcels.

The Apprenticeship Community’s Perth team volunteered at Foodbank WA over two days in late June. Split into groups, the volunteers helped to pack hampers (672 in total) and prepare meals to be distributed to the homeless.

In addition, The Apprenticeship Community presented a donation to the CEO of Foodbank WA on behalf of BUSY At Work which will pay for at least 660 more meals.

The activity was part of The Apprenticeship Community’s annual Volunteer Day program. The program gives staff the day off so they can volunteer with local charities and community groups. In the regional centres, The Apprenticeship Community lent a hand to local charity op shops, children’s sport camps and community kitchens.

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